Tag Archives: Deleuze & Guattari


Research January to June 2014

Fifty Shades of CHI
Fifty Shades of CHI video still

The biggest global conference on Human-Computer Interaction, CHI 2014, took place in Toronto in May. Last year at CHI I collaborated with the Lincoln Social Computing Research Centre on a paper called ‘The Future Robot Enslavement of Mankind’, which looked back from an imaginary future to congratulate Homo Sapiens on its contribution to its own near-obsolesence.

This year we collaborated once again to contribute a paper called ‘Fifty Shades Of CHI’, which “uses the form and language of erotic BDSM romance fiction to present a critical lens on the nature of power in the relationship between people and contemporary technology”. The official download is here, as is the video; or you can download the e-print from the Lincoln repository. I’m wondering where we can go next year in terms of genre. With scifi and porn done and dusted, the options are limited.

Shortly before that, I finally published “Deleuze, diagramas, e arte esquizofrênica”, the talk I gave at  Colóquio Deleuze & Guattari: Filosofia Prática in Rio de Janeiro in 2011. (It’s in Portuguese, but you might want to download it just for the pictures: e-print here).

My reason for not being in Toronto in May was that I was speaking about J. G. Ballard at the very splendid Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery at the University of Leeds. The occasion was a wonderful, intense conference called Landcapes of Tomorrow: J. G. Ballard in Space and Time. Apparently one of the highlights of the conference was my description of the ur-accelerationist Mr Toad having an orgasm as he crashes an imaginary car in The Wind and the Willows. Audio of the talk is allegedly available somewhere on the internet.

In the middle of all this, in late May I managed to fail to speak at the University of Lincoln conference As Above, So Below: A Colloquium on Drone Culture: a huge disappointment to me, both because it turned out to be a fabulous conference and as I’d been looking forward to returning to Lincoln so much. My intention is to polish the paper I wished to give into at least open-access format and make it available here on my site and/or on academia.edu.

And in June I spoke at the British Association for Modernist Studies conference Modernism Now! at Senate House, the University of London, about ‘Beckett, Acceleration, and the Ruin of Language’. This I took as an opportunity to fill some of the literary lacunae in the reading lists of the accelerationists du jour; there’s a lot more work to be done on that front.

It’s been a busy few months – and this is without even mentioning a couple of very productive trips to Poland, a fascinating private view courtesy of the Ballard estate, a very strange interview with the New Scientist, and a new post in London.  But news of all that can wait.



Deleuze Coloquio in Rio de Janeiro

Deleuze & Guattari: Practical Philosophy Conference in Rio de Janeiro

On the 31st of August, I’ll be speaking at Coloquio Deleuze & Guattari: Filosofia Prática about Deleuze, diagrams, and art brut. The event’s held at the Palacio Gustavo Capanema in Rio de Janeiro, and runs from the 30th of August to the 2nd of September; it’s preceded by three days of film screenings, music, dance, and performances, from the 25th to the 28th of August. The full programme is available via the link above.

I’ll no doubt also be talking about the Deleuze & Guattari Concordance, which is grinding slowly forwards, and it’ll be hard to avoid talking about skeuomorphology, as I’m currently living in Rio in order to write a book about skeuomorphism and the role it plays in the evolution of style.


Deleuze&Guattari Concordance: A Thousand Plateaus

A more permanent home for the DeleuzeGuattari Concordance: follow the menu at the top of this page.


Deleuze&Guattari Concordance: A Thousand Plateaus

For the duration of the Deleuze conference at Cologne, I’ve placed a concordance to A Thousand Plateaus on this site.

This is part of a project to produce a complete concordance to Deleuze & Guattari, incorporating all of their works published in English. There are occasional errors in the ATP concordance here – it’s a work-in-progress – but it gives a good idea of what concordances can do, and what the final version could look like.


Further details on UCD

Next week the events at UCD take place. On Wednesday the 4th of April I’ll be giving a lecture on “Deleuze and the Machine in Schizophrenic Art”; this will take place in the School of English at 4pm. On the following day, I’ll be running a workshop on key concepts in Deleuze and Guattari, from 10am ’til 5pm. This session is aimed at non-philosophers who are using, or who are considering using Deleuze in their own work. Which of Deleuze’s concepts are best suited to the varied tasks and sub-fields of criticism?

During the workshop we’ll be working initially on basic concepts, and then on some examples of their application in literary criticism, film studies, queer theory, and archival work. By focusing on the methodological problems specific to these disciplines, we should be able to identify which of Deleuze’s concepts are most appropriate to each discipline; we should also be able to discard those concepts which are less suited to the work of criticism.


Guest lecture & workshop on Deleuze at UCD

I’ll be at University College, Dublin on the 4th and 5th of April; on the Wednesday to give a lecture about Deleuze’s relation to schizophrenic art, and on the Thursday to run a workshop on key concepts in Deleuze and Guattari. More details soon.



New in the resources section: a concordance of Deleuze & Guattari’s terminology, organized as a wiki. This isn’t a wiki in the strict sense, as it’s not server-side and so it cannot by edited by viewers; its main purpose is to act as a quick reference tool for definitions. It’s a resource I developed for use primarily in workshops on Deleuze, and so it contains links to external wikis which are server-side, and which act as user-editable community resources for making working definitions of Deleuze’s concepts.

This is very much an experiment and work-in-progress; at present it’s limited to just a few terms, but over the next year it should grow (or indeed contract) into a definitive concordance.


Another Deleuze lecture at Cologne

Guest lecture at Cologne

On the 1st of February I’ll be once again at the University of Cologne. The lecture will deal with the difficulty in diffentiating between abstract machines as components of the virtual, and machinic assemblages as components of the actual. How can we perceive abstract machines, if they exist only as virtual diagrams?

By looking at some examples of machinic assemblages in art, literature, and psychiatry, I’ll present a technique whereby we can analyse the relation of these assemblages to their abstract machines. The job of measuring the degree to which any assemblage is actualized or virtualized is what Deleuze calls schizoanalysis. I’ll be suggesting a way in which we can schizoanalyse all artefacts, whether they be artistic, literary, or technological.


Deleuze cluster at Cologne

Deleuze Cluster, Cologne

From the 14th to the 18th of December there’s a series of lectures and seminars at the University of Cologne, all dealing with Deleuze. On the 14th I’ll be giving a lecture about the various types of abstract machine to be found in fiction and non-fiction. The other lectures are by Ian Buchanan, who’ll be talking about Deleuze and Cinema, and also running a lecture series and workshop on Anti-Oedipus, and John Protevi, who’ll be talking about Katrina (the hurricane). More details on the poster above.
