D.Phil., Christ Church,
Oxford University
Viva held and passed, no corrections, 23/06/2006
[download summary here (pdf, 78kb)]
M.St. in English, Christ Church,
Oxford University, 1998
with Distinction
M.A. in English,
Warwick University, 1995
B.A. in English and
American Literature, Warwick University, 1994
First Class Honours
- Vital Signals: Virtual Futures Near-Future Fictions, co-edited with Tom Ward and Stephen Oram (NewCon Press, 2022)
- Virtual Futures: Near-Future Fictions vol 1, co-edited with Tom Ward and Stephen Oram (2019)
- Extreme Metaphors: Selected Interviews with J. G. Ballard, 1967-2008, co-edited with Simon Sellars (2012/2014)
UK: (London: Fourth Estate, 2012)
USA: (New York: HarperCollins, 2013)
France: (Tristram: due 2020)
Italy: (Feltrinelli, due 2021)
Please see the ‘contact’ section for enquiries.
The Independent
The Literary Review
The Irish Times
Private Eye (parody)
Times Literary Supplement
The Irish Independent
The Spectator (2nd review)
21C Magazine
The Economist
3:AM Magazine
The New Statesman
The Spectator
Aftenposten (Norwegian)
The Guardian Books of the Year 2012
3:AM Magazine Non-Fiction Book of the Year 2012
BSFA Nominee, 2013
- A Concordance to Anti-Oedipus (2012)
- A Concordance to A Thousand Plateaus (2009)
- Thomas Pynchon: Schizophrenia & Social Control, co-edited with Eric Cassidy. Special edition of Pynchon Notes 34-35 (1994) [download pdf]
Review in AltX
Review in The Review of Contemporary Fiction
- “A Doxa of the American Weird”, in The American Weird: Concept and Medium, eds. Julius Greve and Florian Zappe (London: Bloomsbury, 2021) [download pdf]
- “Playful Research Fiction: A Fictional Conference”, co-author with Ben Kirman, Joseph Lindley, Mark Blythe, Paul Coulton, Shaun Lawson, Conor Linehan, Deborah Maxwell, Miriam Sturdee, Vanessa Thomas, Funology 2, eds. Mark Blythe and Andrew Monk (Cham: Springer, 2018)
- “Written evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence”, with Prof. Shaun Lawson, Dr. Ben Kirman and Dr. Conor Linehan (AIC0127, Parliamentary Archives, UK, 11 October 2017) [download pdf]
- “Prosthetic Envy”, co-author with Tom Ward and Luke Robert Mason, Engineering the Future, eds. Irini Papadimitriou, Andrew Prescott and Jon Rogers (London: Victoria and Albert Museum/AHRC Digital Transformations, 2016)
- “Fifty shades of CHI: the perverse and humiliating human-computer relationship”, co-author with Laura Buttrick, Conor Linehan, and Ben Kirman, Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014) extended abstracts, 825-834. [download eprint]
- “Deleuze, diagramas, e arte esquizofrênica”, [in Portuguese], from Colóquio Deleuze & Guattari: Filosofia Prática, Rio de Janeiro 2011 (2014) [download eprint]
- “CHI and the Future Robot Enslavement of Humankind; A Retrospective”, co-author with Ben Kirman, Conor Linehan, and Shaun Lawson, CHI ’13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM, 2013), 2199-208. [view Slideshare] [download eprint]
- “Skeuomorphology and Quotation”, in Creativity of Finding: Figurations of the Quotation, eds. Martin Roussel and Christina Borkenhagen (Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2012) [download paper]
- “A Formula of Fear”, (forthcoming) in Facets of Fear, ed. Marion Gymnich (2012)
- “Traumatic Irony: A Model of Unintentional Disclosure”, (forthcoming) in Narrating Violence, Trauma and Loss, eds. Anja Muller-Wood and Ulrike Tancke (2012)
- [with Alex Burghart] “From Ramesses to Liberty: a genealogy of apocalyptic imagery in Anglo-American literature and film”, (forthcoming) in Fear and Endings, eds. Susan Cahill and John O’Neill (UCD, 2010)
- “The Metronome of Consciousness”, Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui 22 (2010), 435-48. [download pdf]
- “Reading Posture and Gesture in Ballard’s Fictions”, in J. G. Ballard: Visions and Revisions, eds. Jeannette Baxter and Rowland Wymer (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011)
- “Deleuze and the Art of Psychosis”, in Deleuzian Events: Writing|History, ed. Hanjo Berressem & Leyla Haferkamp (Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2009), pp. 270-85.
- “‘You are Hochhaus!’: Ballard in Berlin. An Interview with Paul Plamper and Niklas Goldbach” Ballardian 9 Jan 2008.
- “What Goes ‘Ping’ in Beckett’s Ping?”, Notes & Queries 54.2 (June 2007), 184-86. [download pdf]
- “On The Phrase ‘Ass Backwards'”, Pynchon Notes 50-51 (2002), 158-165. [download pdf]
- “Capitalism and Culture: Bourdieu’s Field Theory”, Amerikastudien/American Studies 45.1, (2000), 43-53.
- – repr. in Chaos/Control:Complexity CD Rom (ZiF:University of Bielefeld, 2000)
- – repr. in Chaos/Control: Complexity [Chaos Theory & Cultural Production] CD Rom + book, ed. Philip Hofmann (Hamburg: Lit Verlag, 2002)
- “On The Line Of Flight: Pynchon’s Entropy Machine”, Pynchon Notes 34-35: Thomas Pynchon: Schizophrenia & Social Control, eds. Dan O’Hara & Eric Cassidy (1994), 56-69. [download pdf]
- [with Eric Cassidy] “Thomas Pynchon: Schizophrenia & Social Control”, Pynchon Notes 34-35 (1994), 7-10. [download pdf]
Translation articles
- “‘Nous vivons l’ère des réalismes imaginaires'”. Translated from the French, from Univers (1977) (forthcoming) Ballardian.
- “The Odyssey of a Young Ulysses”. Translated from the French, from Le Nouvel Observateur (1988) (forthcoming) Ballardian.
- “Living with Ballard: Claire Walsh at Kosmopolis”. Translated from the Spanish, from El Periódico and El País Cataluña (forthcoming) Ballardian.
- “‘Le passé composé de J. G. Ballard’: JGB on Empire of the Sun”. Translated from the French, from Magazine Littéraire 219 (1985). Ballardian 11 March 2009. Reprinted in Extreme Metaphors.
- “‘Content in their little prisons’: J. G. Ballard on ‘The Towers'”. Translated from the French, from Magazine Littéraire 96 (1975). Ballardian 21 November 2008. Reprinted in Extreme Metaphors.
- “‘Violence without end’: An Interview with J. G. Ballard”. Translated from the German, from Die Zeit, 8 September 2005. Ballardian 24 June 2008.
- “‘I really would not want to fuck George W. Bush!’: A Conversation with J. G. Ballard”. Translated from the German, from Das Science Fiction Jahr 2007, eds. Sascha Mamczak and Wolfgang Jeschke (2007). Ballardian 17 May 2008.
- “‘Der Visionär des Phantastischen’: An Interview with J. G. Ballard”. Translated from the German, from J. G. Ballard: Der Visionär des Phantastischen, ed. Joachim Körber (1985). Ballardian 4 May 2008. Reprinted in Extreme Metaphors.
- “‘It would be a mistake to write about the future’: J. G. Ballard in Conversation with Jörg Krichbaum and Rein A. Zondergeld”. Translated from the German, from Quarber Merkur (1976/79). Ballardian 23 March 2008. Reprinted in Extreme Metaphors.
- “Munich Round-Up: Interview with J. G. Ballard”. Translated from the German, from Munich Round Up (1968). Ballardian 15 March 2008. Reprinted in Extreme Metaphors.
There’s also the matter of the O(rphan)d(rift>) book, Cyberpositive (London: Cabinet Press, 1995), which was probably the first Deleuzean technotheory novel, and for which I was fortunate enough, as a member of that collective, to be one of the catalysts/vectors/author-functions.
Public Lectures, Conference Papers, Media Work
Guest Lectures
- On Autonomy and Agency, Near-Future Fictions, Miranda, London, UK, 12 Mar 2019
- The End of Utopia, Kurzfilmfestival Köln, Museum Ludwig, Köln, Germany, 17 Nov 2018
- AI and HCI, Building Trust in AI – Designing for Consent, Loughborough University London, 19 Feb 2018
- Autonomous Killing Machines, Science Museum, London, UK, 31 May 2017
- On Fascism, Demagoguery, and Rhetoric: J.G. Ballard’s 86th birthday, The Society Club, London, UK, 15 November 2016
- F**king Machines, Lights of Soho, London, UK, 3 November 2015
- Building a Human for the Future, Festival of the Imagination, Warwick University, 16 October 2015
- Biology as Technology, #RE_IMAGINE, London College of Fashion/University of the Arts London, 16 October 2015
- Reality: Empowerment or Imprisonment? Dialogue, London, 2 September 2015
- Virtually Human: A Panel Discussion on the Future of Cognitive Machines (closed-door event), IBM Watson, 51 Astor Place, NYC, 11 August 2015
- The Proactionary Principle and The Future of AI, FuturismNYC, 10 August 2015
- Ready Player Two? The Future of VR, NESTA, NESTA Hot Topics/Futurefest, London Tech Week, 16 June 2015
- Evolution and AI: what do the last 800 years of thinking machines have to teach us? , Brain Bar Budapest, Hungary, 4-6 June 2015
- Does Technology Evolve?, HowTheLightGetsIn, Hay-on-Wye, 24 May 2015
- Should Machines Think?, HowTheLightGetsIn, Hay-on-Wye, 23 May 2015
- Assisted Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence, (closed-door event), Red Consultancy, London, 4 May 2015
- Too Much Artificial Intelligence, Global Art Forum, Art Dubai, 18-21 March 2015
- Dirty New Media, The Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham Arts & Science Festival, 21 March 2013
- “The Future of Music”, Club Transmediale, Berlin, 1 Feb 2013
- “What is a Photograph?”, international symposium at Centre for Fine Art Research (CFAR), Birmingham Institute of Art & Design, 27 November 2012
- “Electrical Maps and Digital Designs”, at Virtual Futures Salon @ TROVE: The Semi-Artificial Imagination, Birmingham, 24 October 2012
- “Emergence and the Synthetic Aesthetic”, at Lincoln Social Computing Research Centre, University of Lincoln, 6 June 2012
- “Emergent Design: How the Skeuomorph helps us to think about Non-Human Agency”, at NEXT Berlin 2012, 8-9 May 2012
- “Skeuomorphs, evolution, and technology”, at TEDx Manchester, 13 February 2012
- “Robot Futures: beyond the valley”. Lirec event at the Science Museum, London, 1 December 2011
- “The Machine”, at USC, Los Angeles, 29-30 September 2011 [postponed]
- “Non-Human Agencies: A Skeuomorphological Account of Virtual Futures”. Keynote welcome address at Virtual Futures, University of Warwick, 18-19 June 2011
- “From Skeuomorph to Schizomorph”. Special Guest address at l’Haute École D’Art et Design, Genève (Geneva
- University of Art and Design), 2 March 2011
- “Skeuomorphology and the Evolution of Literary Quotation”, at Creativity of Finding: Figurations of the Quotation, Universität zu Köln, 4-6 November 2010
- Workshop on key concepts in Deleuze for researchers in the humanities, UCD/Humanities Institute of Ireland, 5 April 2007
- “Deleuze and the Machine in Schizophrenic Art”, University College Dublin, 4 April 2007
- “How to Perceive an Abstract Machine” (Lecture and workshop), University of Cologne, 1 February 2007 [poster]
- “Deleuze & Literature: Some Types of Abstract Machine”, University of Cologne, 14 December 2006 [poster]
- “The Recent History of the Sound Machine”, at New Technologies 95: Technoculture, Nottingham Media Centre, November 1995
Conference papers
- “400 Years of Millennialism: a Doxa of the American Weird“, at The American Weird: Ecologies & Geographies, University of Göttingen, 12-14 April 2018
- “Some Aesthetic Implications of McCarthy’s Conception of the Role of the Unconscious in the Evolution of Forms”, at Cormac McCarthy and Philosophy, British Society for Phenomenology / Nottingham Trent University, Manchester, 26 July 2017
- “Reading Blood Meridian: ‘The Judge is Dead. Long Live the Judge'”, at And So The Judge Returns: A Conference on Cormac McCarthy, University of Warwick, 20 November 2015
- “Beckett, Acceleration, and the Ruin of Language”, at Modernism Now: British Association for Modernist Studies, Institute of English Studies, Senate House, London, 26-8 June 2014
- “An Evolutionary Account of Drones”, at As Above, So Below: A Colloquium on Drone Culture, University of Lincoln, 24 May 2014
- “Cars, beds, and other biopsychic assemblages: Ballard’s machineries of psychosis”, at Landscapes of Tomorrow: J. G. Ballard in Space and Time, University of Leeds, 3 May 2014
- “Fifty Shades of CHI: The Perverse and Humiliating Human-Computer Relationship” [co-author with Laura Buttrick, Conor Linehan, and Ben Kirman] at CHI 2014 alt.chi, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Canada, 1 May 2014
- “CHI and the Future Robot Enslavement of Humankind; A Retrospective”, [co-author with Ben Kirman, Conor Linehan, and Shaun Lawson] at CHI 2013 alt.chi, Palais de Congrès de Paris, 27 April – 2 May 2013
- “Deleuze, Diagrams, and Art Brut”, at Colóquio Deleuze & Guattari: Filosofia Prática, Palácio Gustavo Capanema, Rio de Janeiro, 30 August – 2 September 2011
- “A Formula of Fear: Hollywood’s Return to Romanticism”, at Who’s afraid of…? Facets of Fear in Anglophone Literature and Media, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 24-5 September 2010
- “Traumatic Irony: A Model of Unintentional Disclosure”, at Contemporary British Fiction: Narrating Violence, Trauma and Loss, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, 17-18 September 2010
- “Ruins of statues and the dystopian landscape”, with Alex Burghart, at «Utopie, ville et paysage dans le monde anglophone», l’Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, 11-12 June 2010
- “The Machinery Underground: Subterranean Space and Modernist Utopias”, at Modernism and Utopia: Convergences in the Arts, University of Birmingham, April 2010
- “A Concordance to Deleuze & Guattari”, at ConnectDeleuze, University of Cologne, 10-11 August 2009
- “Reading Posture and Gesture in Ballard’s Novels”, at From Shanghai to Shepperton: An International Conference on J. G. Ballard, University of East Anglia, 5-6 May 2007
- “Deleuze and the Art of Psychosis”, at Deleuzian Events: Writing|History, University of Cologne, June 2005
- “Antihumanism and the Machine”, at the Faculty of English, University of Oxford, October 1998
- “Science and Blindness”, at Chaos/Control: Complexity, ZiF, University of Bielefeld, June 1998
- “Pynchon’s Entropy Machine”, at Postfaction: The Step Beyond Postmodernism and its Fictions, University of Warwick, November 1995
- “The Anatomy of the Zone”, at Thomas Pynchon: Schizophrenia & Social Control, University of Warwick, November 1994
Video, radio, media, podcasts, interviews
- “Skeuomorphism and Quotation”, podcast, at the University of Cologne Institute for Advanced Studies Morphomata
- “The useless design features in modern products”, interviewed for BBC Future, 24 October 2017
- “The Future of the Prosthetics Industry”, interviewed for BBC 5 Live, 18 June 2016
- “Künstliche Intelligenz: Befürchtungen werden runtergespielt”, interviewed for Jungle World, 14 April 2016
- “Autonome Waffensysteme sind unberechenbar” [Autonomous Weapons Systems are unpredictable], interviewed for Jungle World, 22 October 2015
- “Should we fear Artificlal Intelligence?”, IT Pro Portal, 8 June 2015
- “Artificial Intelligence will create the next industrial revolution, experts claim”, interviewed for The Inquirer, 14 May 2015
- “Is your job at risk from AI?”, interviewed for Computing, 14 May 2015
- “Reskill to avoid AI redundancy, experts say”, interviewed for IT Pro, 13 May 2015
- “Cure for love: Fall for a robot “, interviewed for New Scientist, 25 February 2014
- “The Economist explains: What is skeuomorphism?”, feature on my work in The Economist, 25 June 2013
- “What is skeuomorphism?”, interviewed for BBC News, 12 June 2013
- “Dan O’Hara on Ballard, Cyberpositive, and the skeuomorph”, interview in Imperica, 15 November 2012
- “How We Started Calling Visual Metaphors ‘Skeuomorphs’ and Why the Debate over Apple’s Interface Design is a Mess”, interview in The Machine Starts, 13 November 2012
- First Five: Dan O’Hara, 28 August 2012
- “Virtual Futures 2011 – Dr. Dan O’Hara. Non-Human Agencies: A Skeuomorphological Account of Virtual Futures”, video at Virtual Futures on Vimeo, 8 September 2011
- “Dan O’Hara on Skeuomorphs, JG Ballard, Transhumanism, and the “eradication of individual identity” Through Technology”,, 5 July 2011
- “Understanding the Virtual”, live chat for Warwick Knowledge, transcription at Warwick Knowledge, 29 June 2011
- “Virtual Futures 2.0’11: How Did We Get Here?: Amy McLeod interviews Dan O’Hara”, podcast at Warwick Knowledge, June 2011
- “Can You Live Without The Internet?”, interviewed by Annie Othen, BBC Radio, 17 June 2011
- “The History of Virtual Futures”, video at Virtual Futures, Warwick Knowledge, July 2011
- “Reading Posture and Gesture in Ballard’s Novels”, audio at J. G. Ballard: The Terminal Tapes, May 2007
- “Virtual Futures ’95”, BBC radio, May 1995
Other lectures, media
- “Internet journalism and the rise of a new satire”, openDemocracy, 13 April 2015
- “How bots are taking over the world”, The Guardian, with Luke Robert Mason, 30 March 2012
- “O. Henry”, Zeitzeichen, WDR, 5 June 2010
- “Elite – ein Begriff mit vielen Facetten”, Podiumsdiskussion, Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Köln, 9 June 2009
- “Oxford u. Köln”, Unitas, 9 January 2009
- [with O(rphan)d(rift>)] “Death Simstim”, at Virtual Futures ’95, University of Warwick, May 1995
- [with Fredd Evans] “Sub-Apocrypha” (spoken word and sound performance) at Virtual Futures ’95, University of Warwick, May 1995
Conference Organization
British HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) Conference, University of Lincoln, July 2015. Organizing Committee (Chair, Position Papers).
Virtual Futures ’95. University of Warwick, May 1995. Conference co-producer.
Thomas Pynchon: Schizophrenia & Social Control. University of Warwick, November 1994. Conference co-producer.
Virtual Futures ’94. University of Warwick, May 1994
British Academy AHRB major award, 1998-2000
Hugh Pilkington Scholar, Christ Church, Oxford, 1997-1998
British Academy AHRB major award, 1996-1997
Research Interests
Materialism in art and literature
Mechanism & vitalism
Gilles Deleuze
J.G. Ballard
Samuel Beckett
Art Brut, understood to include both fine art and first-person narratives
Ruin-sentiment and Apocalypse
American Literature, 1620-present
British Literature, 1789-present
Genre fiction, particularly science fiction and crime fiction
Philosophy and literature
Previous positions
2007-2012 Lecturer in English and American Literature, University of Cologne:
See Resources page for full course details
1997-2006 Tutor in English Literature, Oxford University:
2005 Fiction in English (Lady Margaret Hall)
2004 American Poetry & Fiction (Lady Margaret Hall)
2004 American Literature (St. Hilda’s College)
2003 Modern British Novel
–“–The Gothic Novel
–“–Victorian Fiction (Wadham College)
2001 20th Century American Novel (seminar series, Christ Church)
1998 Modernism (Corpus Christi College)
1997 Science Fiction (Wadham College)
Other teaching:
2004 Modern British Fiction (Oakland University/Brasenose College)
2003 Postmodern fiction
–“–Detective Fiction (Stanford University, Oxford Programme)
2003 Tolkien, Lewis, Williams (Gordon College, Oxford Programme)
2001-06 Expository Writing (ASA/Lady Margaret Hall)
2000 Detective fiction (Oakland University/Corpus Christi College)
1997 Thomas Pynchon (guest leader, graduate seminar, King’s College, London)